Friday, February 13, 2015


Every Friday (well, most Fridays, when I remember) I post a "FRIDAY FUNNY' on my Syndala Facebook page.  This morning, this is what I posted:

It is amusing, and I LOVE Dory.  However, for many people with ADD/ADHD, our memories often don't work the way we want and need them to.  In the case of ADD, the issue is not typically problems with short term memory, as many seem to label it, but with working memory. 


Working memory is NOT 'memory that works', as I have heard Dr. Ari Tuckman say on a few occasions.  Working memory is one of the key executive functions affected by ADD/ADHD.  It is our ability to hold and process some information in our minds while simultaneously attending to something else. Working memory is also responsible for retrieval of words or information from our longer-term memory.  

Here are some examples of the way this can manifest for people with ADD/ADHD (and for others whose working memory is not functioning optimally). 
  • Completely losing what you were about to say next, while in the middle of a sentence or thought;
  • Forgetting a word that you do know, but which completely escapes your mind when you are about to use it;
  • Test-taking, reading comprehension, written and verbal expression;
  • Forgetting a person's name immediately after an introduction;
  • Forgetting what you JUST said or did, i.e., where you put your keys 10 seconds earlier
Although everyone likely has experienced these situations occasionally, for folks with ADD, this is a frequent occurrence and a barrier to optimal functioning.  And though it can often be humorous, when it is a true impediment, it's not always so amusing.  

For children and students, this can be a serious problem in school, because working memory is crucial to learning activities.   Some ways you might see it manifested in children and teens: 
  • Appearing as though they have not paid attention, such as forgetting all or part of instructions or messages;
  • Losing their place in complicated or multi-pronged tasks;
  • Difficulty taking notes in class, perhaps because they forget what was said when they are concentrating on writing or spelling it;
  • Trouble with test taking;
  • Easily distracted
These struggles don't only apply to children, but they absolutely can be barriers to scholastic success and learning.  

Fortunately, are brains are a bit malleable or neuroplastic, and therefore, they have the capacity to be "trained".  There are also many structures and strategies that we can use to support ourselves and others so that these deficits don't ultimately become barriers to our personal and professional success and self-worth.  

It is critical to understand what is happening, why, and that it's not a reflection of intelligence or innate ability to learn.   As a coach, mother of a daughter with ADD and  as a woman who also is wired this way, THIS is what is paramount to me.  Although the struggles from the underlying ADD/ADHD can be troublesome, derivative blows to self esteem and self worth are usually more in the way than anything else and can sometimes be tragic.  THIS is why I am passionate about working with people who have ADD; because once we understand it and how it manifests for us personally, there are countless ways to address the obstacles so we can achieve our goals, our dreams and live successful, fulfilling lives. 


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